The Best Christmas Pageant Ever: The Musical-Cast List

You must let the director, Kari Hatfield know if you are not accepting your role by contacting her as soon as possible at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Cast meet & greet and read through will be Monday, Sept.30th at 6pm at MLT.  Please let her know if you can't make it. Congratulations cast and break a leg!

 The Best Christmas Cast List Ever!

Ralph Herdman: Judah Sheldon

Imogene Herdman: Sydnee Lane

Leroy Herdman: Jameson Sheldon

Claude Herdman: Edward Hanley

Ollie Herdman: Jayden Joseph

Gladys Herdman: Brooklyn Bracken

Bob Bradley: Randy Strickland

Grace Bradley: Angelina Villegas

Beth Bradley: Adelaide Rutherford

Charlie Bradley: Killian Stratton

Helen Armstrong: Cathy Hayes

Reverend Hopkins: Marlon Coleman

Luanne: Icely Palmer

Betty: Joy Nelson

Connie: Amber Hearst

Alice Wendleken: Elizabeth Van Voast

Elmer Hopkins: Crue Casarez

Teddy Shoemaker: Jack Strickland

Ivy Reed: Isabella Curtis


Lillian Pickett (Imogene Understudy)

Lanie Combs (Alice Understudy)

Aria Newell (Ivy Understudy)

Kathryn Carter (Nurse, Woman voice)

Jaclyn Watson (Church Lady Understudy)

Embri Watson (ensemble)

Julia Daniels (ensemble)

 Little Angels (in some ensemble numbers):

Koen Young (Head Little Angel)

Charlotte Strickland

Avery Kuban

Nora Lindsey

Alice Hilfiger