2024 MLT Summer Theatre Camp Counselor
Please read the job description and all required dates! Applications are due by May 20th.
All Camp Counselors for Muskogee Little Theatre are responsible to the Board of Directors and answer to the Executive Director of Muskogee Little Theatre, Laura Hazen as liaison to the board. Camp counselors direct report and supervisor is shall be the Camp Director Penny McGill. All Camp Counselors shall adhere to the by-laws and policies of Muskogee Little Theatre, Inc.
Job duties include, but are not limited to:
1. Responsible for the safety and well-being of all participants/students. Additionally, students should be supervised and engaged in activity at all times while in our care and never left to entertain themselves.
2. Responsible for the well-being of the facility. Those duties include:
a. Enforcement of M.L.T. House Guidelines, Code of Conduct and all written policies.
b. At the conclusion of each rehearsal and performance: secure and lock all doors, and assuring that all lights, electrical devices, water, etc. are turned off and thermostats are adjusted to conserve energy.
c. Ensure that theatre is tidied and cleared of art project materials, that trash isvtaken out and that all set/prop/costume pieces are stored in proper place tovallow use of stage and building at night.
d. Floors and restrooms are tidied daily at the end of day.
3. Oversee all camp activities, auditions, and production.
4. Participate in the preparation of and adhere to detailed written plan for highly structured program of instruction. This plan shall include a structured schedule ofvdaily activities.
5. Communicate with parents, participants, and camp director and campvadministrator as needed; and strive to meet all needs.
Additional expectations / agreement for 2024 camp:
*There will be a mandatory counselor meeting set by Camp Director Penny McGill (time/location TBA)
1.Schedule of work days
Stipends are based on 5 weeks (25 days) of 5 hour work days + all performances – ALL REQUIRED
Week 1 – June 3-7 (12:30pm-5:30pm)
Week 2 – June 10-14 (12:30pm-5:30pm)
Week 3-June 17-21 (12:30pm-5:30pm)
Week 4-June 24-28 (12:30pm-5:30pm, some variation with show dates)
Week 5 -Extra week (5 days) include:
Date/Time T.B.A. – Pre-camp work day with Penny at MHS or MLT
Sat., June 1 – work day
Sat., June 8 –work day
Sat.,June 15 – tech, work day
Sunday or Monday, June 30 or July 1 – Camp set strike
Show Dates June 27, 28, 29, 30
2. Muskogee Little Theatre has based instructor to student ratio on the ability of all counselors to be present every work day. Exceptions will only be made on an emergency basis and must be approved by the Executive Director and Camp Director.
3. Muskogee Little Theatre will distribute 2 stipend checks to each contracted worker. The first stipend check for ½ of contracted stipend will be distributed on June 14th. The final stipend check will be issued on last work day at the conclusion of camp / set strike.
4. Counselor working hours during camp are 12:30 – 5:30. Counselors are expected to perform necessary duties during this entire time. Counselors should eat lunch and tend to personal business on off-duty hours.
5. Muskogee Little Theatre will make every possible effort to assure that counselors will not be expected to work past 5:30 on camp days. (This will vary on show dates.)
6. All hiring is contingent upon passing a background check if the applicant is 18 or over.
If you have questions please email